Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reviewed By You: Igloos

Today Billybob made a new post on What's New Blog. On the last reviewed by you, he asked how many stamps you had, and which was one was the hardest to receive.
Here is a comment from Alexagirl1:
I have earned 157 stamps!! The hardest stamp for me to earn was probably drill with 30 penguins on the ice berg. It took me such a long time to get it and get in! Because most of the time the ice berg is usually full, so it takes me a while to get inside because penguins are surrounded everywhere!

Now, this week, Billybob is doing something different. This time, he wants you guys to pick an igloo, and the best one will be featured on the Whats New blog! If you have a buddy with  great igloo, submit it! Let them know their penguin name, and tell them what you like best about their igloo!


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