Mission 1: Case Of The Missing Puffles
1. The first thing you need to do is talk to Aunt Artic.
2. After talking to Aunt Artic you need to go to the Ice Rink.
3. When you get to the Ice Rink you need to go right and pick up the pictures that are on the ground.
4. After getting the pictures go back to Aunt Artic's igloo and give her the pictures.
5. Now that you’ve given her the pictures go to the Pet Shop and once inside go to the left.
6. You should see a note stuck on the puffle house, click on it.
7. Next you’ll get a message that says something like ” G has ____ pairs of socks.” Remember how many pairs of socks G has and then go to the Sport Shop.
8. When you get to the sport shop talk to G and you need to ask him if he has any special items. Then you will need to tell him how many pairs of socks he has.
9. After telling him this you need to take the life perserver shooter and go to the Ice Berg
10. When you get to the Ice berg you need to save the penguins who are stuck on the ice by throwing them the life preservers.
11. After you’ve saved the penguins go to Ski Mountain and talk to the crying penguin.
12. Then open up your spy phone and push the LED light.
13. Then click on the spanner and then press the telescope to fix it.14. When your looking through the telescope you need to go to the left and you should see a green puffle that’s flying by a mountain.
15. As soon as you see this you’ll need to go to the Sport Shop and buy a grappling hook.
16. Use the grappling hook to climb up the biggest mountain (click on the top of the biggest mountain to use the grappling hook and climb up it).
17. At the top of the mountain you’ll find two puffles
18. Earn your medal and your done with Mission 1!
Mission 2: G's Secret Mission
- To start mission two you need to go to G and ask him for your next mission.
- He’ll give you a riddle and you need to respond with the answer of ” mogul “
- You’ll get a sled for answering correct so put this in your items and head to Ski Mountain.
- When you get there you’ll se the sign for a test run. Do the test run and use the protype sled ( you’ll crash )
- Next you need to grab the string that’s behind the snow pile and then move towards the right
- Next you need to grab the survival guide and then go to the bush that has the berries
- Grab three berries and then shake the tree to the right three times and a pot will drop down.
- Now move towards the tree stump and select a puffle (there gonna get scared and run but the black one will stick around)
- Now give the black puffle one of your berries.
- When you get to the Ice berg you need to save the penguins who are stuck on the ice by throwing them the life preservers.
- Now you need to go to the left to the log and the bush, when you get there grab the ski and put it with the string you got earlier. ( now you have a fishing pole )
- Next you need to put one of the berries on the fishing ole and go towards the right and to the tree stump, keep going right to the cave, and then keep going right till you get to the river.
- Now use the pole to catch yourself a fish, add the fish to your items
- Remember that pot you found…. well now we need to fill it up with water
- Now move towards the right and grab the wood.
- Next go to the cave and click on the bushes in the front to move them out of the way, then go into the cave and click on one of the rocks you see
- Now you need to go to the fire spot you just made and put that wood you grabbed into it
- Open up your survival guide and select the fire
- Now you need to give the puffle another berry so he can light the fire for you
- You hungry? Well even if your not cook the fish you caught and eat that thing!!!
- After eating boil the pot of water and drink it then its bed time….
- When you wake up go outside and talk to the agent with the jet pack and then he’ll fly you to the Sport Shop where you can talk to G and get the medal and the letter.
- Congratulations You finished Mission 2!
- The first thing you have to do for mission 3 is talk to the person that looks funny
- After talking to him you need head to the staff room in the gift shop, then go to the right until you reach the couch. Then click underneath the couch
- Grab the floppy disk and the paper clip then head over to the computer and put the disk into the computer and turn it on.
- After you turn the computer on click on my files and then on combination number
- Now you’ll get a combination that you need to remember ( N = North, S = South, E = East & W = West. )
- Head downstairs and use the combination then enter the vault and get the money thats on the roof
- Ring, Ring you’ll get a call from G and he’ll want you to come to the headquarters ( talk to G then watch video )
- Go meet G and you’ll see a drawer…click on it and take the gold key thats in the upper left corner
- Next you’ll go to the staff room again and open the door that heads to the roof using the key you just grabbed
- Now use your spy phone to get the spanner and open the powa box using the spanner
- Toss the paper clip you got earlier into the powa box.
- Grab the white string stuff you see in the gutter and then go to the vault downstairs and click on the money
- Now head to the head quarters and hand the white string thing to G
- After giving the string to G move right and grab the torch thats under the map
- Head back to town and chat with the sad penguin then go into the Night Club and turn on your flashlight.
- Search for the fusebox and when you find it click on it then read the guide on how to use it. Make sure you turn all the lights green ( click on the lights randomly and it will work sooner or later )
- As soon as everything is powered up go into the Night Club and chat with the sad penguin again then head back to the Head Quarters to talk with G and get your medal.
- You Have Finished Mission 3!
Mission 4: The Avalanche Rescue
- Then go to the gadget room, once in go left and grab the life preserver shooter and then go to the Ski Village.
- When you get to the Ski Village grab the white fur thats next to the ski lift and then head into the ski lodge and go right when you enter
- You should see a fishing pole by the door, grab this and put it with the life preserver shooter to create another item.
- Head over to the Sport Shop, take a right, click on the belt of the penguin model and then head to the lighthouse.
- Once there take another right and grab the rope thats on the boat and put that with the item you created earlier( fishing pole + perserver ) to finish it off.
- Now head to the beacon and use the spanner part of your spy phone.
- Go to the telescope and take it off of the railing and add it to your items, then leave for the sport shop and head into gary’s room.
- Place the telescope with the tripod you see by the window and then click on it, now be sure to remember the path that goes to the penguins
- Head to Ski Mountain and Ridge Run following the path you memorized from the last step until you reach the busted fence
- When you get there click on the penguin rescuer ( on hole in fence ) and break the branch over the right using the tube.
- Grab the first penguin on the tree, then grab the penguin on the left side, then put the penguin back onto the tree.
- This should cause the tree to bend and you can then grab the other penguin who was underneath the tree
- After getting this penguin grab the other penguin you put on the tree
- Place these penguins onto the edge that has a rock and when the rock falls only one penguin will be stuck
- Grab the 3 penguins on the edge and the one who fell off of the sled, after getting these four penguins head beacka to Ski Village
- There will be a crying penguin and you need to talk to him then take out your belt and click on the ski lift
- ….Happy Penguin!!! now head to the ski hill and chat with G again then give him the white fur we got earlier.
- There you have it you beat Mission 4!
Mission 5: Secret Of The Fur
- Guess What? You start mission 5 by talking to G!!!
- After talking to him use your comb ( in spy phone ) on the pink fur stuck in the machine
- After getting the fur out of the machine G will give you some white fur which you should put into the machine and after the 2nd scan 3 items will appear ( hot chocolate, hot sauce, and a jet pack )
- After you get the items head to the pizza parlor and speak with the janitor ( floor cleaner ) then grab the bottle of hot sauce and chocolate sauce
- Go back and talk to him one more time and he will want you to take a pizza to a guy at the ski lodge.
- Take this pizza to the ski lodge and enter in the Ice fishing door and hand the pizza to the fisherman penguin
- Now head over to the coffee shop and speak with the guy at the counter and check out his monster drawing
- Then chat with him once more and ask for some hot chocolate, you’ll then have to fix the machine with your spanner ( fix the right side tube that does the milk )
- Then place your mug underneath the press for hot chocolate button and add the chocolate sauce in the insert chocolate part on top
- Use the switch on the side to increase the hottness and then click “press for hot chocolate”
- Add the mug to your items and then head to the gadget room ( take the AC1000 )
- Head to the Beacon and then to the launch pad and use the AC 1000 to blow the ballon to yourself and then cut off the fuel from the balloon using your scissors
- Take the fuel to the gadget room and go back to the fur machine you used at the beginning and put the hot chocolate and jet pack in.
- Now grab the glasses by the machine and head back out of the fishing door
- You’ll see a monster and then you need to head back to the ski lodge and grab the candle from the wall
- Next head off to the beach and grab the net thats next to the lighthouse, and head into the lighthouse grabbing the rope thats on the boat we used last time
- Add the rope to the net and now you have a new item to use against the monster, so head back towards the monster and put this item on the tree and add a candle on top of it all.
- This will catch a crab, then take this crab and also grab the white fur that fell off the monster and go back to the gadget room.
- When you get back chat with G and hand G the crab
- Then put the white fur into the machine and after its done checking it talk to G
- You Beat Mission 5!
Mission 6: Questions For A Crab
- Crab gets lose, follow crab to ski hill and then off the ledge
- You’ll be in the wilderness now and keep tracking the crab into the cave
- Head to the tree stump and then go left to the large log
- Then use your spy phone’s scissors to slice the rope so you can grab the bag full of berries
- Now head to the tree stump and give a berry to the black puffle
- Head back towards the cave and toss a puffle 0 into the pet door
- The black puffle will unlcok the door and then you need to head in…yes you’ll end up trapped
- A polar bear will come in and you need to listen to him talk and as soon as he leaves head to the right until you get to a machine called the cage lift
- Place a berry onto the lever of one of the pipes.
- Now place another berry onto the left schute
- Finally place another berry onto the scales
- Now go left and grab the anchor and rope stuck to the planks on the wall, place these two items together and boom you got a new item
- Now walk left to the desk and place the hot sauce and blueprints into your items
- Walk to the door and open it, then put the hot sauce onto a berry and feed it to the black puffle.
- Now go to the cliff and use the item you made to climb up to the ski hill and then walk over to the ski lodge
- Next you should go into the ice fishing door and then into the pizza parlor where you need to order some seaweed pizza.
- Head back to the polar bear and give him this pizza and when he has his back to you, you need to pull the level on the machine
- He’ll be knocked away and G will appear and you can chat with him until your phonecall
- After the phonecall chat with G some more and hand him the blueprints
- And mission 6 is now complete.
Mission 7: Clockwork Repairs
- The first thing you need to do for mission seven is speak with G.
- When your done with that you need to head over to the gadget room door and click on the invention cabinent
- The code word to access the cabinet is “key” ( if you have to you can use the code translator to assist you )
- After you finish that grab the mini electromagnet3000 and head to the Ice Burg
- When you get there use the electromagnet to pull the chunk of ice with the spring towards you and then head into the gadget room and place the ice on the test chamber
- Now pull the red lever so the ice chunk goes into the machine and then press the fire button, then just press the red lever again to remove the spring
- Now go to the Snow Forts and put this spring into the Clock Tower then head into town and get a poster of the main gear from the penguin you met during mission 3
- After you got the poster head over to the pizza parlor and grab the music sheet by the piano and then play the song the right way so that the yellow puffle gets ESTATIC!!! ( then give the puffle the poster )
- After that head over to the beachand grab the green bucket and take it to the snow forts and fill it with snow
- After you’ve got the snow go give it to the yellow puffle you met earlier so he can make a gear
- Take this gear and put it in the test chamber like the ice chunk BUT press the snow button
- Head back to the clock tower and place this gear into the clock tower then head to the dock and ask the penguins there if they will give you the target
- You’ll play them in a game and when you win take the target and head back to the gadget room
- After you’ve done this grab the life preserver and take it back to the dock and give it to the guys you beat in the game
- Then head to the snow forts and place the target onto the clock tower, than chat with rory, and chat on the phone with herbert.
- Once your done chatting with these two G will come over and you will have completed Mission 7.
- Mission 8 begins with you talking to G and then grabbing the flying fedora hat thats sitting by the door in the headquarters
- Once you get the hat you need to head over to the dock and speak with herbert when he pops up from underground and as soon as he leaves you need to grab the lamp that klutzy drops
- Now you need to follow the map that klutzy ripped in half in the town ( it will blow towards the snow forts )
- Then you need to enter the coffee shop and assist in picking up the cookies that are on the ground and you’ll get a cookie when your done
- Then go outside and put the hat you got earlier onto the green puffle and then give him the cookie
- Follow the map to the snow forts and if it gets stuck you need to free it so it can keep going
- When it gets stuck on a guys newspaper you need to chat with him and then go get him a pizza from the pizza parlor ( ask for the newspaper after you give him the pizza )
- After you get the newspaper take out the map and stick the two halves back together and you should be able to go through herbert’s tunnel but you need some stuff first
- So stop by the sport shop and buy some tent pegs and they stop by the lighthouse and grab a net from the pile
- After this you also need some balloons so talk to the orange penguin by the lighthouse and he’ll give you one and you also need a hammer so you can grab that one thats on the wall of the gadget room ( by G )
- Finally the last thing you need for mission 8 is the helium tank which you can get in the gadget room by the leftside door, all you have to do is talk to G before you can take it
- Firstly you neeed to take out a balloon and fill it with helium and then head to town
- You can use this balloon to fly up to the gift shop and then you need to put the pegs all over the net and use the hammer to set them into the ground
- Now you can go into the tunnel and use your map.
- When your in the tunnel you’ll see a drill that herbert used and you can use your wrench ( in the spy phone ) to unscrew the gear and put it into your items then finish by going through the hole in the boiler room
- Then you need to talk to Herbert
- Then you’ll need to fix the boiler by connecting the top left pipe to the bottom right pipe
- Meet G at the HQ and hand him the gear and you just completed Mission 8.
- Start Mission 9 by talking to G
- Add the duck, blueprint, and the tracking devices to your items
- Go towards the dock and chat with the penguin near the dock. You need to fix the boat by pulling on the brown item that is sticking out of the top. After you fix the boat you need to ask to get the pump
- Now go to the plaza and chat with the 2 penguins then help them when they get covered in gum then ask if you can keep the gum
- Place the gum on the duck and blow it up using the pump, when it is full attach the tracking device to it and then go to the ski village
- Enter the Ski Lodge and speak with the penguins playing find 4. Then help them find the other pucks
- When your in the attic grab the string off of the ground and then when you have all of the pucks, hand them to the other penguins
- Head to the forest and grab sticks off of the ground than combine these sticks, the blue print, and the string together (makes a kite) and attach a tracker to it
- Head over to the ski hill and attach the kite to the post
- Head over to the mine shack and help fix the trough. Do this by moving the pieces of wood around ( make the trough point right not left )
- Help fix the mine cart by welding the damaged areas and then add a tracker to the cart
- If you did everything right you’ll get a call and then you need to head over to Head Quarters and grab the binoculars from the desk
- Go to Ice Lake (get there from ski lodge ) and use the binoculars and watch G on the other side of the lake
- You will get another call and then you should put the binoculars on a tree ( try all the trees if it isn’t working ) and then return to head quarters and watch TV
- After all of this you will have completed Mission 9.
Mission 10: Waddle Squad
- Just like always you start mission 10 by talking to G
- After the video broadcasts you need to grab the solar panels from the box next to G
- Head out to the beach and chat with the jet pack guy and get him a drink ( the drink is in the lighthouse )
- Now you’ll need to make rocket fuel using the sodaHeres the Basic Guidelines:L = big container on the left
M = container in the middle
S = Small container on the right
to = Pour one container into the other Â
L to M
M to S
S to L
M to S
L to M
M to S
S to L - As soon as everything is correct the guy with the jet pack will leave and when this happens you should go to the Guft Shop
- Speak with the manager and then help move the items outdoors
- Now head outside and put the table by the sign that points to the snow forts
- Next place the clothes and the other box on top of the table and return to the gift shop and chat with the manager one more time
- Go over to the rookies and chat with him. He’s going to want the solar panal so put it on the end of the large wire used with the magnet
- Now connect the colored lines to their matching cirlces and when your finished go out to the dock and speak with the man by the boat and ask if you can have some rope.
- Head in to the night club and combine the rope with the trap and then pull the lever
- The trap won’t work so you’ll need to take apart the trap using the spanner and then put the right gears in the right spots
- This trap will then be fixed and you can head to the ski village and then answer the phone
- Once there head to the dock and you’ll see herbert. Klutzy will run away and then you have to answer your phone one more time
- Now you need to quickly head over to the night club and pull lever
- Your phone will ring one more time and you need to answer it.
- Something cool will happen and then you’ll be able to use the jetpack and attach it to the cage or you can use the ceiling lights to power up the solar panel…both work and both trap herbert so it’s up to you
- And thats about it, after that its just a couple of little things and then you’ve beat Mission 10!
I hope these guide helped!