Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Club Penguin Membership Generator In Progress!

Hey Guys! Today I'm just posting to let you know that my Club Penguin Membership Generator is almost complete! Here is a sneak peek of what it will look like!

I think I will have it completed later on today. When it's complete, I'll post the link!


Friday, July 20, 2012

Club Penguin Free Code: Blue Track Suit

Today Club Penguin released a new free code to unlock the Blue Track Suit! The code to unlock the Blue Track Suit is "DSKYRIDE".
Then Click "Next" and then login to your Club Penguin account and then you will find your Blue Track Suit.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Club Penguin Community Fan Art

Club Penguin Updated the Community Fan Art on their community page giving visitors new designs to view. The drawings are about the Ultimate Jam.

Club Penguin Updates Community Fan Art

Monday, April 30, 2012

Club Penguin Celadon Alien Unlock Items Code

Hey Penguins,
Today I found two awesome codes that can unlock you the Celadon Alien Costume and the Celadon Alien Mask. To unlock the mask, the code is "maske". And to unlock the costume, the code is "anzug". Here are some pictures of what they will look like when you unlock them:
Celadon Alien Mask:
Celadon Alien Costume:


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Club Penguin Rockhopper Getting Closer!

Today, I was on Club Penguin and I was curious to see how close Rockhopper was to the island. So I looked. And he was very close. Check it out below!
He's arriving on December 15. He will bring back some exclusive items you can only get on Rockhopper's ship. Are you excited? Leave a comment telling us!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Club Penguin New Featured Igloo: Glouppi

Recently, Club Penguin has chosen a new featured igloo. The winner is Glouppi. His igloo is really cool! Check it out below:
 What do you think of his igloo? Leave a comment telling us!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Club Penguin Adds Rule Information To Login

Club Penguin made a change to it's login system. This isn't that important, but I still just wanted to inform you guys. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about.
When you click "Club Penguin Rules" a slide show pops up showing you the rules. Here is a picture.
This is a safety update, I think? Maybe people have been breaking the Club Penguin Rules or something. Leave a comment telling me what you think?
